Talk Enneagram to me...
Hey Fam,
So for any of you who know me, you likely know that I am a MAJOR enneagram fan, hence So You Apparel having an ENTIRE collection (insert cheeky grin). Yes, I happen to love all things Enneagram, and will gladly talk about them to anyone who will give me the time of day.
Why do I love Enneagrams so much?
I love getting to understand people, and I love to be understood. I know, classic 4. If I could give you an image it would be this: Child version of Ruth, peering into a secret garden of souls, completely enamoured by everything I find. This is how it feels to me when I learn about the Enneagrams and the different aspects that the people around me relate to.
Have you ever taken something apart and gained an entirely new understanding of why it worked the way it did? This is also what I feel about the enneagrams (my wing 5 may be showing).
Let me stop you right there - I understand that just because you are a certain number, doesn't mean you relate to EVERYTHING that's in the description. The Enneagrams are not black and white by any means, rather they are a myriad of incredibly beautiful colours, that all mix together to give us some insight on our own inner hearts, minds, and souls.
For those of you who dislike the enneagrams due to a lot of the focus on the 'negatives', or faults - I get it. But also, I don't. Because as a 4 I am enthralled by faults, faults are what make us beautiful and unique and interesting. In my mind the deeper we embrace our 'flaws' the more captivating we are. Is it always easy? Absolutely not. I'm the first to beat myself up about the emotional pitch I operate at on the daily. It's exhausting for me, let alone the people around me. But how beautiful it is to be able to feel all the feels, all the emotions that exist. What a treat it is to be fully in a feeling, and be comfortable in it. What a beautiful gift it is to give to the people around me, when I can sit and cry with them, hold space for them, feel what they're feeling in those difficult moments.
Bottom line is, we are all filled with these intoxicatingly beautiful traits, that the Enneagram helps bring to light.
For those of you who have stayed with me through that entire monologue, congrats, and please feel free to leave your thoughts (or concerns) below :P
And for those of you who also love the Enneagrams, here are some of my favourite Instagram accounts to follow:
I love the visuals this account comes up with. The posts are often positioning the positives, and helping us understand each other and the gifts we each bring to the table. I especially loved the segment on having compassion on each type because..., check it out here - Have compassion because.. -
I love how this account always brings great questions forward, and helps to put things in perspective. I'm often reading things I haven't thought of or heard before which is refreshing! I especially enjoy the monthly book recommendations! Here was the last one - August book Recommendations by type. -
Enneagramexplained :
I like the focus on Growth work that this account shares! I especially loved the Princess Bride Quotes for each type, take a look here: Princess Bride Enneagrams -
I love that this account has a steady mix of hilarious content, and beautiful content. I especially loved their post on the qualities to grab hold of during BLM, check it out here - Like Ones... -
We all need some good enneagram memes every once in a while, and this is a great account to find those! I especially loved the Lizzo Meme, check it out here - Lizzo's Tiny Purse
Okay guys, I know there are SO many more amazing Enneagram accounts out there so PLEASE post in the comments below so that I can follow them all! What are your favourites??
Thanks for listening friends.
Talk soon,
1 comment
I want more Enneagram posts from you! Take us apart so we can understand why we work the way we do :) Great read.