First time's a charm?

First time's a charm?

It seems incredibly intimidating to write the very FIRST blog post.

So much explaining, such high standards, and worst of all the very first impression is made. Have you ever met someone and after your first encounter, you rewind everything in your head wondering what the heck just happened? You wonder what that person must think of you because you managed to shove not only your foot in your mouth, but your entire leg, thighs and all? That is how I see this going, thigh-in-mouth situation. 

But, the remedy is to push onwards, to not allow the fear of the thigh to motivate your movements. So here I am, writing a first blog post to you.

Firstly - hello and thank you! Thanks for checking in, for listening, and for giving your attention, which in the world these days is an incredibly valuable thing, that I do not take lightly.

I, Ruth, am one of the owners of So You Apparel. I got jazzed about this entire idea, when one of my best friends, Justin, showed up at my apartment with a 'So Yaletown' sweater. I immediately fell in love with the idea; the quirkiness, the self-expression, and the pride. Since then we have worked tirelessly to come up with all that So You Apparel is today. 

My hope is that with each sweater, people will uncover a little more of who they are, and find a confidence in doing so. Words are a powerful tool, and I hope that ours will inspire vulnerability and self-expression. Because what a gift it is, to bring our biggest, fullest selves to the world. And I get it - that can be a scary thing. But how rewarding it is to experience a real genuine interaction when we're brave enough to put ourselves out there.

So to all you introverts like myself - be an introvert! Take away any shame that people like to throw on that label. To those of us who are tired all the time, from pursuing dreams, building families, or being the glue that keeps everything together - be tired! You have a lot on your mind! Own who you are, in all your glory, in this present moment, even if it changes tomorrow, that's okay.

I hope that somehow So You can help you feel valued and heard. That by sharing these unique traits, by sharing our voices, it sparks you to do the same. We are so excited to share all of this with you, and hope you'll join us on this crazy, crazy ride. 


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